
Join Us for Worship and Praise!
We Have Two Great Service Every Sunday!

Traditional Worship
Out Traditional Service begins at 9:30 AM!
Why Traditional?
Hymns and Soft Praise
Contemporary Worship
Our Modern Worship Begins at 11:30 AM
Why Contemporary?
Contemporary Modern
Music, Uplifted hands and expressive worship style!

Why do we have both styles?

At Spirit Life Ministries, We believe in worshiping in Spirit and Truth as the Bible tells us to do.  When we worship, it is to the Lord, and we do so in whatever style He leads.  However many people are more comfortable in traditional worship and others prefer a different atmosphere of worship.  So we accommodate both styles!

Traditional Service Info

If you enjoy the quiet style of worship and are blessed by hymns, try our more traditional worship service at 9:30 AM.  Your Sunday School classes begin at 8:15 AM.  We offer music from Hymnals and other traditional worship songs. Worship is our praise to our Creator for the great things he has done!  We want you to be blessed and be a blessing to God most importantly, in your Worship and Praise!

Modern Contemporary Worship

If you enjoy a more modern style of worship, using drums, guitars and keyboard, lower lighting, like christian radio tunes, then this is the service for you! Upbeat songs of worship are your favorite and really lift you up. Lower lights allow you to concentrate on the Worship and many of the songs will be familiar to you!  If you  love to lift your hands to the Lord, and shout out praise, please join us!  Your Sunday School classes begin at 10:15 AM and Worship begins at 11:30 AM!

HE BREWS Morning Cafe

Don’t forget to join us for breaking fast and fellowship on Sunday Mornings!   He Brews Cafe is open from 7:45 AM until 11:30 AM!

Free Breakfast includes Coffee, milk or juice, donut or danish or breakfast Burritos!